Handmade Tibetan Singing Bowl Wholesale Category

Featured Tibetan Handmade Singing Bowls

Tibetan Etching Singing Bowls Wholesale

Om Mane Peme Mantra Etching TibetanSinging Bowl

Original price was: $26.50.Current price is: $24.50.

Antique Nave Tibetan Singing Bowls Wholesale

Ethnic Tibetan Antique Nave Singing Bowl 12-13 Cm


Brass Tibetan Singing Bowls Wholesale

Brass Plain Singing Bowl 20 Cm


Latest Tibetan Singing Bowl

Tibetan Etching Singing Bowls Wholesale

Om Mane Peme Mantra Etching TibetanSinging Bowl


Hand Hammer Emossing Tibetan Singing Bowls

Mantra Hand Hammer Emosing Singing Bowl 13 Cm


Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls

Handmade Antique Tibetan Singing Bowl

Original price was: $20.29.Current price is: $19.30.

Full Thanka Painting Bowls Wholesale

Full Thanka Painting Tibetan Singing Bowls


Etching full mantra with bajra handmade bowls

Etching Full Mantra Bajra Handmade Singing Bowls 15-16 cm


Latest News : Tibetan Siinging Bowl

Tibetan singing bowl & Sound healing

Discover the ancient practice of sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls. Learn how to promote [...]

Singing Bowl and Gang Shipment to Greece

There is a Saying “Morning shows the day”, well we stated our Handmade Singing Bowl [...]

Tibetan Singing Bowl Wholesale

Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bowl shape bell that vibrates and produces a [...]

Nepal : Himalayan Kingdom

Nepal is land – locked country bordering with the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s [...]

Tibetan Singing Bowls For Sale

You can find different types of Tibetan singing bowl in market like antique singing bowl, [...]

Tibetan Singing Bowls Healing

Tibetan Singing Bowls has a powerful effect on how we feel throughout the day. Our [...]

What is Tibetan Singing Bowl made for?

Tibetan Singing Bowl is generally made from bronze, an alloy containing copper, tin, zinc, iron, [...]

What are the benefits of Tibetan singing bowls?

The benefits of Tibetan singing bowls are described in a vast formation it helps to [...]

What Customer say about us

I have had the best experience working with Handmade Singing Bowls. The communication is amazing and they always respond to all my questions quickly, regardless of the time difference. Out of all the companies I have worked with these have been the best, very kind and honest. I received my parcel within days of it being shipped. When I opened the package, I was so happy with the quality of the bowls, cushions and mallets, they are so beautiful…

Shanaya Evans / United Kingdom

Thank you so much for your team. I have received different kind of Tibetan singing bowls from your shop which I have order through online. I found quality is very good and size is according to our requirement. We didn’t meet each other but thanks for your nice communication and quality product and will purchase continue THANKS.

Debashish Jena

Largest Handmade Singing Bowl Supplier in Town. I found Handmade Singing Bowl Wholesale Company while searching handmade Singing Wholesale in Nepal in Google. When I started to write about my requirement they easily understand my requirement. When I have received the shipment quality was amazing and size was according to our requirement. I am sure if somebody buy singing bowls from their you will happy.

Jon Sen